A custom-engineered Advanced ExGo gas extinguishant system protects thousands of culturally important collections at the Historical Archives of Belgrade, Serbia.

The Archives conserve some of the city’s most important cultural and social assets, including 34,000 books and journals, documents, photographs, works of art and other artefacts spanning the 16th to the 20th centuries.
Advanced’s ExGo gas extinguishant control panel was installed alongside a TouchControl touchscreen fire system repeater panel to protect the archive’s vast, 2,400 sq metre storage facility. The installation involved the extensive interfacing of TouchControl with the ExGo panel, enabling the end user to see the status of the suppression system remotely via 3D interactive maps. The ExGo panel has been programmed with substantial logic in order to achieve cause and effect that activates relays and sounder circuits. These circuits are then used as mass-notification devices and integrate with a bespoke engineered system using Touch Control.
ExGo has been developed specifically for sensitive and strategic assets such as server rooms and data centres, control rooms, as well as historic and cultural attractions. It is suitable for almost all single-flooding area applications and includes a range of control options and devices. It is approved to EN54 parts 2, 4 and 13 as well as EN12094-1 and is among the first systems to combine these with EN12094 in a single solution. (EN12094-3 relates to the integrated manual release on the front of the panel). ExGo can be integrated into Advanced’s Axis EN fire system or any third-party alarm system.
TouchControl is a fully-functional remote terminal and repeater featuring integrated graphics, called Active Maps. The 10inch HD touch device offers fire panel and network control and reporting and allows users to immediately identify zones and devices in fire, fault, disablement and test using dynamic colour-coded status buttons.