M Station, the United Arab Emirates’ largest power generation and desalination plant, is protected by an Axis AX fire system from Advanced.

Built by DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority) at a cost of more than US$2.5bn, it can produce over 2 megawatts of electricity and 140 million imperial gallons of desalinated water per day, equal to around 20 percent of Dubai’s current requirements.
Advanced’s Axis AX (UL 864-compliant) fire system technology provides fire detection, alarm and control for M Station. The equipment is networked into one of the region’s largest fully automatic fire systems. The 89 node fire panel network includes 46 dual redundant panels in 2m high rack enclosures which means in the unlikely event one panel fails, the other takes over operation automatically and with no user intervention.
The system includes bespoke gas detection panels, multiple remote control and display terminals, mimics and over 7,000 field devices. It includes a hybrid mix of UL 864 and EN54 devices and both standard panels and bespoke Advanced control equipment, designed and manufactured by the company’s AdSpecials department.
The network is monitored via Advanced’s Graphics integrated into the network via BMS interface. The control PCs and BMS units are also duplicated for full redundancy operation. The system also includes Advanced’s ExGo suppression control panels.