The priceless collections of the new National Library of Romania, a landmark building in the heart of Bucharest, will be kept safe thanks to an array of ExGo suppression control panels from global intelligent fire systems manufacturer Advanced.

The new library building, which contains more than 13 million individual items, was started in the 1980s but work was halted after the 1989 revolution, only starting again in 2009. Completed and opened in 2012, the building has now been fully equipped with the latest technology, including the ExGo system.
ExGo, Advanced’s ultra-dependable extinguishant release system, was configured and installed in the National Library building by Helinick, a key player in the Romanian fire and safety market. The suppression control system comprises 47 inter-linked ExGo panels with LCD displays, LED indicators and manual release buttons.
The ExGo panel integrates with the Library’s fire system, which includes over 600 optical smoke detectors, 100 sounders and 200 call points. The ExGo panels monitor and control the valves that release up to 20 tonnes of NOVEC 1230 fire protection fluid. The ExGo range from Advanced has been developed specifically for sensitive and strategic assets such as server rooms, historic and cultural attractions and control rooms. The patented ExGo Extraction Software also allows users to download system status information and event logs, providing a quick and customisable data solution.