Sands Pointe, one of Florida’s most upscale real estate developments, is now being protected by an intelligent Axis AX fire system from Advanced.

The installer, Alemany Building Solutions, specified the Advanced Axis AX fire system for Sands Pointe, an upscale, 29-story condominium located on Sunny Isles Beach, Miami-Dade County. This was in response to the client specification, which called for a robust, technically advanced and cost-effective fire system.
Audio was a particular challenge as local fire codes require a notification appliance in every bedroom, addressable smoke detectors inside every unit, multiple dampers on each floor for smoke control, and pre-recorded messages in multiple languages due to the region’s diverse demographics, where the major languages spoken are English, Spanish, and Russian. The system includes four data-gathering voice panels, with a command centre giving oversight and control over the entire system. Using addressable distributed audio amplifiers, the system is capable of providing selective paging throughout the building to ensure that a single damaged cable won’t affect system reliability.
Advanced’s Axis AX system offers enhanced power and performance in a user-friendly format, offering a vast range of configuration, control and interface options, all with simple setup and operation. The Axis AX system includes easily networked panels, audio panels and command centres, redundant controllers and a huge range of peripherals, devices and interfaces that make it ideal for almost any installation.The fire system meets UL464 requirements for the low frequency 520Hz tone, with intelligent smoke detectors and 520Hz speakers fitted inside every bedroom of the building.