A leading UK girls’ school has selected multiprotocol MxPro 5 fire panels from Advanced, linked to a high performance LifelIne radio paging system to ensure the safety of pupils and DDA/Equality Act compliance.

St Catherine’s School, Bramley, near Guildford, Surrey, comprises preparatory and senior (with boarding) schools for girls aged 4 and above. In a recent upgrade to its fire system on the senior site, it specified Advanced’s MxPro 5 fire panels and Lifeline radio paging system. MxPro 5 offers high performance fire detection and alarm control across the large site and is linked to the Lifeline panels which provide wireless radio coverage across every building on the school’s large site.
The Advanced Lifeline panel combines a hearing impaired alert system, ESPA-compatible fire engineer paging, and a staff paging solution into a single, easily installed and attractive panel, making it the ideal solution for a school such as St Catherine’s. The system ensures that hearing impaired staff, pupils and visitors are aware of fire alarms via personal radio pagers awakening them if asleep with bedside units and vibrating pillow pads.
MxPro 5 panels can be used in single loop, single panel format or easily configured into high speed, 200 panel networks covering huge areas. Advanced’s legendary ease of installation and configuration and wide peripheral range make it customisable to almost any application and it is found in challenging and prestigious sites around the world including western Europe’s tallest building, The Shard. The MxPro 5 panels installed at St Catherine’s are among Advanced’s best performing fire systems and one of the few available approved to EN54 2,4 & 13.