The Tyne and Wear Metro system, widely considered the first modern light railway system in the UK, is being protected by MxPro 5 intelligent fire panels from Advanced.

Nexus, the public body which owns and manages the Metro, upgraded fire panels at 50 locations on the system, including 21 stations and other key pieces of infrastructure, including relay rooms, vent shafts and other operational buildings.
Many of the busiest subsurface Metro stations in the centre of Newcastle and Gateshead were part of the project, including Monument Metro Station which is used by 10 million passengers every year. The project was part of the £389m ‘Metro All Change’ modernisation programme, which involves the refurbishment of Metro stations, trains, and other key infrastructure in an 11 year programme.
MxPro 5 fire panels have been installed on the system, which has the fastest passenger growth of any light rail network outside of London.